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Essential medical services was formed in 2013 by Danny and Rhonda Hopkins. Danny and Rhonda have a background in Critical Care and are both fully qualified and highly experienced critical care paramedics who have an extensive background in the NHS with a love for their profession and a passion for patient care. 


The idea behind Essential Medical Services was to change the standard and delivery of care that was being provided at events across the UK and Europe. The notion was conceived after Danny and Rhonda attended several events with inappropriate or disproportionate medical cover in place.


Before they created the company, they undertook extensive research into the current standard and guidance relating to medical care and cover. This highlighted the problem with regards to misunderstanding and misrepresentation of clinical grades and professional capabilities within the events sector.


When event organisers were booking an Ambulance or a “ Medic “ they were of the understanding that their event would automatically be attended by an individual with the skills and knowledge of a Paramedic, but this was rarely the case. The level of understanding exhibited by the general public was inadvertently putting the participants and visitors of the events at an unacceptable level of risk with the potential for serious injury and incidents.


Danny and Rhonda decided to launch Essential Medical Services and changed the way event medical cover is provided. They work closely with customers to adequately assess the risks and potential for illness/injury based on intimately assessing the individual needs of each and every event they provide cover for.


It is safe to say that Danny and Rhonda have been the pivotal change in the way that Clinical care is delivered to patients outside the Hospital. 


Danny Hopkins Flight Photo 1.JPG
Rhonda Hopkins Essential Medical Service
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